Have any questions? +233 303 411 476 info@africasml.edu.gh

Welcome to AGSML

African Graduate School of Management and Leadership

Welcome to the web portal of the African Graduate School of Management and Leadership (AGSML). The schools mission is to educate a new cadre of dynamic African leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who are ethical and committed to contributing to peace, stability, development and prosperity on the African continent and globally.

We provide relevant pedagogy in leadership, management and entrepreneurship, employing cutting-edge technology to deliver quality and rigorous pedagogy that our award winning programmes have to offer.

Come join us on and see yourself evolving into a new kind of leader, entrepreneur and manager for Africa and the world.

Like what you're learning GET STARTED TODAY!

At AGSML you will find the course to transform your managerial skills

Develop leadership skills with AGSML

We have all you need to transform your leadership skills

AGSML courses

Lots of Courses!

We have all the courses that you are looking for.

Everything you need to learn

We have many resources to help your study

Excellent facilities

State of the art facilities

AGSML Foundation icon


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